The Behavior Behind Bribes An Exploration of Social Environments That Influence Corruption and What Your Organization Can Do

The Behavior Behind Bribes An Exploration of Social Environments That Influence Corruption and What Your Organization Can Do

Tuesday, 9 June 2020 | 1:00 PM EDT (6:00 p.m. GMT+1)

Despite the increasing number of anti-corruption campaigns, corruption is still a considerable challenge in many countries around the globe. During this session Dr. Simonyan will examine the “behavior behind bribes,” connecting the links between personal characteristics and the propensity to accept corruption as part of one’s social and business environment. Included as part of his discussion, Dr. Simonyan will explore how rationalization is linked to the attitude of a person towards corrupt practices including an analysis of factors including social norms and personal wealth.


Dr. Aram Simonyan

Fulbright Fellow
The Ross School of Business

Aram Simonyan is Associate Professor of Economics at the International Scientific Educational Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, where he has worked in the capacity of Associate Chair of Economics and Management Department. His main research focuses on anti-corruption strategies in European countries from a socio-economic perspective. Advanced in eight languages, he held visiting positions at multiple European Universities. Now he is getting his second PhD in Sociology at the University of Kiel. Dr. Simonyan was a Weiser Professional Fellow at the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan in 2018, and is a visiting Fulbright Scholar at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan in 2019-2020.

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