TRACE Partner Firms: Highlighting the Benefits of the TRACE Partner Firm Network


TRACE Partner Firms: Highlighting the Benefits of the TRACE Partner Firm Network

Wednesday, 31 July 2024 | 10:00 AM EDT (3:00 PM BST)

This summer, TRACE is offering a multilingual, short webinar series, highlighting TRACE membership and the benefits offered to corporate TRACE members.


Our first session will highlight TRACE’s partner firm program, followed by an overview of TRACE benefits in French (session two) and German (session three).


Register now to learn more about how TRACE can improve your compliance initiatives. Invite your colleagues throughout the globe! To learn more reach out to [email protected].


In the first session of the series, Emma Rathmann will describe the TRACE partner firm program and the multitude of ways in which you can use the information shared by our more than 130 TRACE partner law firms. Providing an overview of the resources shared by TRACE partner firms including the Country Bulletins and Gifts & Hospitality Guideline, Emma will also provide suggestions on how to better align your compliance program with local laws throughout the globe by effectively utilizing TRACE partner firm materials.


Emma Rathmann

Legal Researcher & Partner Firm Project Manager

Emma manages the TRACE International Partner Firm Program, provides member support for TRACE International SME and Law Firm Members, oversees the TRACE Prize, and conducts legal research and writing for the TRACE Resource Center. Prior to joining TRACE, she worked for private foundations where she acted as the Grants Management Assistant. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Northwestern University, and a Juris Doctorate from Boston College Law School. Emma is a member of the DC Bar.

Calendar of Webinar

Past Webinars

2023 (22)

2022 (26)

2021 (30)

2020 (37)