Creating a “Speak Up” Culture – A Roadmap for Addressing Ethical Dilemmas and Fostering a Culture of Integrity

Creating a “Speak Up” Culture – A Roadmap for Addressing Ethical Dilemmas and Fostering a Culture of Integrity

Tuesday, 7 June 2022 | 1:00 PM ET (5:00 p.m. GMT)

As media headlines and news reports regularly highlight company scandals and governance failures, ethics must be at the heart of every business decision. Board members must set the proper tone and ensure the integrity of the CEO and executive members, but also of employees operating at all levels of the organization.


But how can the Board effectively evaluate the strength of an organization’s “culture of integrity” in practice? Does the board understand where and how the organization’s strategy can create ethical risks? Does a robust and efficient risk management process exist that can prevent, detect and mitigate such risks and manage situations when ethical lapses arise?


During this session Mr. Tassé will address the above and more as he discusses approaches for not only identifying potential ethical issues but more importantly, how to apply a systematic risk management and problem-solving solution to such issues that will integrate both organizational and human factors that form the true culture of any organization.


By the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • recognize human and organizational factors influencing decisions as well as ethical and non-ethical behaviours;
  • understand his/her role in relation to steps in the development and creation of a governance structure, a compliance process and policies enabling and fostering an ethical organizational culture;
  • understand his/her role in relation to the risk management process facilitating the prevention, detection and resolution of ethical problems in one’s organization by adopting a reflective approach comprising human and organizational aspects;
  • understand his/her role in relation to the required leadership inside an organization to ensure the good development, follow-up and continuous improvement of the risk management processes and ethical problems solving.


CLE credits are available for this webinar in the following states only – TX, VA, NY, NJ, CA. Additional instructions on how to obtain CLE credits will be provided during the webinar.


Marc Y. Tassé

Corporate Ethics and Financial Crimes Expert,
Member of the International Association of Independent Corporate Monitors

Mr. Tassé is an investigative and forensic accountant who has experience investigating and advising companies on alleged corruption, fraud, financial misconduct, and breach of fiduciary duty. As an Anti-Corruption Ethics and Compliance expert, he provides services as Independent Corporate Monitor and Independent Corporate Auditor.


An award-winning lecturer in the MBA program at the Telfer School of Management and in the Common Law Section at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law, his current research focuses on the actual and potential effects of allegations of corruption and improper financial reporting on publicly traded companies’ market capitalization.

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