SABIC 2019 Conference: Promoting Integrity for Transparency and Growth


SABIC 2019 Conference: Promoting Integrity for Transparency and Growth

9 October 2019 - 9 October 2019

  • Sabic Headquarters
  • 6575 Airport Branch Rd
  • Qurtubah, Riyadh 13244 Arabia Saudita
  • Cómo llegar

SABIC is pleased to welcome participants to their 2019 conference, "Promoting Integrity for Transparency and Growth." Taking place on 9 October at SABIC’s headquarters in Riyadh, the day will be spent working with business leaders, international organizations and governments to address corruption, transparency, emerging-market risks and the value of a strong ESG program.

Driven by identified needs and interests of Saudi and global companies, the conference will address issues tied to anti-corruption and compliance, so that participants may come away with ideas and strategies for implementing stronger compliance and ESG programs in their own institutions.


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